Emergency Procedures

All workplaces are required to have procedures in place to effectively manage emergencies that could happen at work.

Sound advice and suggested templates which can be tailored to your workplace can be found here:

Emergency procedures advice

Your plans should include all potential emergencies such as:

  • Fire
  • Chemical spills
  • LPG gas leaks
  • CPR
  • First Aid
  • Natural Disasters

WorkSafe provide advice for hazardous substances here:

WorkSafe hazardous substances advice

We can guide you or create emergency plans on your behalf.

About SL Safety Consulting

SL Safety Consulting is a HASANZ registered provider of specialist workplace health and safety services, based in Wellington providing support and guidance across NZ. With many years’ experience, tertiary qualifications and Professional Membership of New Zealand Institute of Safety Management, we provide practical cost effective solutions to our clients no matter what size.


SL Safety Consulting Ltd

Steve Logan
Phone: 0274 955674
Email: steve@slsafetyconsulting.co.nz


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